domenica 6 settembre 2015

Gem trilogy - Kerstin Gier (Book) ~ ☕☕☕☕☕

Hi everyone!

As I promised a lot of time ago, here it is my own review of the Gem trilogy (or Ruby Red trilogy) by Kerstin Gier. The trilogy is formed by the volumes Ruby Red, Sapphire Blue and Emerald Green (the original titles are Rubinrot, Saphirblau and Smaragdgrün). I got to know this trilogy by chance, thanks to a simple Facebook post. Reading the positive comments about it, I took the chance and borrowed the first volume from my library. And that was, actually, a great choice. 

Gwyneth (her name is, actually, Gwendolyn, but I don’t know why in the English  version she became Gwyneth) Shepherd’s family is strange. Well, anyone could say his family is strange (we all have weirdo relatives), but can your relatives, thanks to a particular gene, travel through time? I don’t think so.

Indeed, Gwyneth’s family actually can: a few members (actually, a few women) of her family inherit the gene through generations. The date of birth of each owner of the gene has been calculated, centuries before, by the greatest scientists and mathematicians.
So Charlotte, Gwyneth’s cousin, whose date of birth coincides with the one which has been calculated, is supposed to own that gene: the effects are shown after her owner’s sixteen birthday, and everyone is waiting for her “jumping” in another year.
She has been  trained in facing different situations and how to move in every years: she is the one who was taught fencing, playing the violin, dancing the minuet, leading a conversation. Everyone suppose that all those years spent in training are giving their fruits. But, unfortunately for them, the girl who suddenly “jumps” in another year is not Charlotte, but Gwyneth!

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